Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blog #6 Interview

Part A:

The person I interviewed was Mrs. Willingham. She is social worker at Hinsdale Central High School. She studies psychology because she needs to be able to relate to the studemts at the school. She is a reliable source because she deals with helping people who have had people close to them pass on or become very ill. I interviewed her through email and asked her a couple of questions pertaining to my topic.

Part B:

Q: What is death or what do you believe death is?
A: Death is the term used to describe the cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism.The passing of life out of the human form
Q: How do people cope with death?
A:People cope with death many different ways.  It may seem easier for one person to cope with death than another.  Therapy, music, down time, talking with other, and engaging in activities you love can all be good ways to deal with death.
Q: What does it feel to have someone close to you pass on?
A: It hurts to have someone close to you pass away 

Q: What do you believe happens when one passes on?
A: When one passes on the spirit leaves it shell/body.  What happens after that is what you believe.

1 comment:

  1. heyy ZOE! your post made me realize how complex the topic of death is and how Ms. Willingham defined it so clearly. i think i realized this because she makes death sound very percise and almost like a ste-by-step procedure into non-living GOOOOOOD JOB(;
