Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blog Post #6 Interview

1. The person I interviewed was Mrs. Miles, she works at school as a social worker. When Mrs. Miles was young she wasn't given the opportunity to be given a lot of love shown to her, this made her want to make sure her children know how much she loves them all the time. She practices Christianity and believes that God is the reason for everything. She also believes that it is possible for people to have soul mates in relationships.

2. She is a reliable source because she writes love poems herself.
3. I interviewed her on May 3, via email.
1. Is there a specific way you like to write your love poems or do you just write them however you want feel like writing them?

The way I write poems is based on what I am thinking, or how I am feeling at that moment. Also everywhere I go I listen to people’s conversations, sermon and lectures in boring meetings, not so much in the boring meetings. I take a paper pad and a pen everywhere I go. I also get phrases from my pastor when he is preaching; and from songs. Every once in a while I will listen to love songs. I would hear a line in the song that could be a potential title to a poem to. What I do is write down the phrase so I won’t forget it. I have a very long list of 700+potential poem titles that I go through and look at. If one stands out that is the one I will write. All I need is a title. When a love poem comes to mind I am on that for a good two to three weeks. I have written well over 500 + poems. Many of them I have not typed out yet. Some are typed but not in my file. I have a file on my computer with alphabetized poems from A-Z, plus a file with newer poems that have not been placed yet. I also have a physical file with 26 folders. I wrote my first poem in 1987. I started flowing in the 2000’s and have been flowing since. I sometimes write one poem. Then other times I will sit and write 10 at one sitting. 
2. What exactly inspires/inspired you to write your love poems?

The things that inspire me to write about love is that is something that I have always desired. I want to be loved by a man that loves me unconditionally. The so called love that I have experienced was someone trying to control me and my life. I write what I feel and how I want things to be for me. I am also inspired by how I feel about the love of God and also how I feel about a certain man in my life. Who I feel is my soul mate. I do not see him often, yet I feel a strong love for him. Sometimes I don't understand why I'm feeling this way towards him and I barely see him. But, it seems like this love is getting stronger towards him, which confuses me. I asked God about this and helped me see how when you truly love someone, distance doesn't matter.

3. Is there a specific style you write your poems in or does it not matter the style of poem?

I usually write my poems in rhymes, because that's what always comes in my mind when I write. I try not to write lame rhymes like some Rappers. My rhymes make sense to me and others. I do have some free verse poems too. Some are things of life and I do have some silly poems as well. I do research on other styles of poems in which I try to write in. There are so many other styles out there but some are so complicated to do; you have to use your brain. I have done other forms as well but it was in school. I do still have the notes somewhere. I will look for them.

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