Sunday, April 29, 2012


Blog 6
Part A:

1. The person I interviewed was Mrs. Miles. She works at school as a social worker. As a child, Mrs. Miles she lacked a lot of love from her parents and in relationships. she has then decided to make sure to let her children know how much she loves them. she is a christian and believes that God is the reason for everything. she understands that no one truly knows what love is until they have experienced it from god. She also believes that love is most important when used to forgive and love those gwho have hurt us and have no enemies. For her, love is a spiritual thing as much as it is a feeling. She also believes in soul mates.

2. she is a reliable source because she writes love poems about her feelings. she has studied the forms that love is written and expressed in poems.

3. I first started to intevew her on April 15, by email.

 Part B:  3-5 questions.

1. What inspires you to write love poems.?

         The things that inspires me to write about love is that is something that I have always desired. I want to be loved by a man that loves me unconditionally. The so called love that I have experienced was someone trying to control me and my life. I write what I feel and how I want things to be for me. I am also inspired by how I feel about the love of God and also how I feel about a certain man in my life. Who I feel is my soul mate. I do not see him often, yet I feel a strong love for him. Sometimes I don't understand why I'm feeling this way towards him and I barely see him. But, it seems like this love is getting stronger towards him, which confuses me. I asked God about this and helped me see how when you truly love someone, distance doesn't matter.

2. Is there a specific way you write your poems and how and why did you choose that method.?
            The way I write poems is based on what I am thinking, or how I am feeling at that moment. Also everywhere I go I listen to people’s conversations, sermon and lectures in boring meetings, not so much in the boring meetings. Actually in the boring meetings I am probably writing another poem. I take a paper pad and a pen everywhere I go. I also get phrases from my pastor when he is preaching; and from songs. Every once in a while I will listen to love songs. I would hear a line in the song that could be a potential title to a poem to. What I do is write down the phrase so I won’t forget it. I have a very long list of 700+potential poem titles that I go through and look at. If one stands out that is the one I will write. All I need is a title. When a love poem comes to mind I am on that for a good two to three weeks. I have written well over 500 + poems. Many of them I have not typed out yet. Some are typed but not in my file. I have a file on my computer with alphabetized poems from A-Z, plus a file with newer poems that have not been placed yet. I also have a physical file with 26 folders. I wrote my first poem in 1987. I started flowing in the 2000’s and have been flowing since. I sometimes write one poem. Then other times I will sit and write 10 at one sitting. Because I have been doing it for so long, it does not take me but a few minutes to complete one. Other times I will start one and finish it later. This is a hobby that has become a habit.
3. Is there a specific style you wrte them in.? for example, every line rhymes, or every other, mabey you use the end to turn the poem around into a different direction, like shaekspear, or maybe in haiku form or something. have you also written any sonnets.?
           I usually write my poems in rhymes, because thats what always comes in my mind when I write. (see that was poetry right there). I try not to write lame rhymes like some Rappers. My rhymes make sense to me and othes. I do have some free verse poems too. Some are things of life and I do have some silly poems as well. I have written some Haiku poems. I do research on other styles of poems in which I try to write in. There are so many other styles out there but some are so complicated to do; you have to use your brain. I have done a sonnet before for a poetry class I had taken, if I can find it I will send it to you. I have done other forms as well but it was in school. I do still have the notes somewhere. I will look for them. To be honest with you I am flattered for the interview. I am glad to share my knowledge wtih someone especially for a worthwhile school project. This is giving back to the community, I'm loving it.

    This blog post should include
o  32 Keys
      .live in the moment each day
               .enjoy time with others
               .face problems with confidence
               .laugh have fun
               .wonder about the world
               .value true values
               .relax when you are stressed

2.      published in 1999
3.      Who is the author/publisher/source/sponsor? Ken N Mclsaac
4.      Can you verify the accuracy of the information? 
This website is fairly accurate.  My research is done with opinions of other people and their view on life.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Blog Post 6

1. I have learned that my person, Hemang Srikishan, has studied Psychology, Spanish, Hindi, and academic education. Currently, he is a middle school teacher who teaches math for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.

2. I believe he is a reliable source because he has studied Psychology. This is the main subject that I am currently learning about and he seems to know what he is talking about from the questions he has answered.

3. I interviewed my person on April 26th at around 12 pm. I sent him an email with all my questions and he answered them fully based on opinions or facts.

These are the questions and answers that we discussed.

1. Do you think the environment of a person is the main reason of how people act? For example, if a boy grew up in a rough neighborhood, he would have rough qualities and act violent, right? Do you think the environment he grew up in is the main reason why he is a violent boy?
This is a big question in psychology that is broadly called the "Nature vs. Nurture Debate."  People argue that it is nature that makes people act the way they do- that it is their genetic make up and something about the biological make up of a person that makes them act the way they do.  On the other side are the Nurture members.  They say that the way people turn out is exactly how people raise him/her to be.  Some of them go as far as to say that they can make any child into any professional that you ask them to as long as you let them raise the child from birth.
Nowadays though, it is largely accepted that it is not just Nature or Nurture that is involved- it is a blend of the two.  So with you example, I think that a boy that grows up in a dangerous neighborhood might be 'predisposed' (which means that he might be more likely) to be violent because he sees lots of violence and his family might also be involved in violence- so in a sense he might grow up thinking that violence is normal.  However, the boy might also be genetically predisposed (their genes might actually make them more likely) to be violent or take pleasure in violence.  It is really a mix of the two things rather than just one. 
2. Do you think the "spread of feelings" is possible? I read this in a psychology book. For example, if a man walks on a bus and the bus driver greets him happily with a "hello," and the man does not say anything because he was not yet "happy." But when the man walks off the bus, the bus driver again says goodbye in a happy way, and the man responds happily with a goodbye. The bus driver sort of made the man happy and put him in a positive mood. Imagine all of the people that go on and off the bus, they could all become positive and spread the happiness throughout the entire city. I believe this is possible because in real terms, if I were to greet you, for example, with a negative attitude, you would also act negative towards me and others because I put you in that bad mood. Do you think this is possible?
I really believe that this is possible and I love the fact that it is possible. This is opinion, but I absolutely believe that we can greatly influence others by how we act towards them.  By acting with courtesy to others we certainly get courtesy back (at least most of the time).  I'm a little less sure that the courtesy spreads beyond the 2 people that are in the interaction.  I think it does at times but at other times it ends there.
3. Are there any other ways feelings could be spread through people besides actions, words, and attitude?

 I think actions, words, and attitude are the main ways that feelings are spread through people.  Since these are the ways people communicate with each other, they are the ways that any type of feeling spreads.
4. Do you think the school life of a boy or girl could be a reason of why they act positive or negative? If the boy is popular, or if the boy is bullied.
Yes, absolutely.  School is an important time and if someone is bullied in school it can make him/her avoid school at any cost.  At the same time, if schools are really positive and make a student feel successful, they can get kids to come back day after day even when the student might have a lot of difficulty in his/her life.  That being said, I think a student can also be resilient against negative forces in school or any part of life.  Your environment could influence your behavior, but it is not necessarily the only thing that plays a part and plenty of people in really poor and oppressive environments can succeed beyond our imagination.  The human body and mind are really quite amazing.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog Post #7- Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal Psychology by William Flexner, Preface and 1:Abnormal Psychology

  • Abnormal psychology has to do with mental problems and disorders
  • This is a very wide field of psychology
  • It depends on and changes by what we perceive to be normal and abnormal
  •  many people have to deal with people who have disorders, and they need to know abnormal psychology in order to help those people
  • Until recently many of the classifications between abnormal psychology and other psychologies have changed
  • Our idea of normal versus abnormal have also changed, therefore changing our ideas about abnormal psychology
  • Technically there is no normal

This book was published in 2006.
This book is by William Flexner.
This person doesn't sight sources, but since it is a book I don't think that's necessary.  This person seems fairly unbiased when they write.  They show the facts and not much opinion, so I believe they are fairly reliable.  The information here is similar to information I've already learned, so I believe this is true information.

Blog Post #7


National Geographics is a reliable source.

The two biggest parts of the brain would be the cerebrum and cerebellum. The cerebrum has two halves and is divided into four different sections. The frontal lobes are for speaking, thinking, learning, emotions, and movement. The parietal lobes are for touch, temperature, and pain. The occipital loves are for seeing. The temporal loves are for hearing and memory. The cerebellum is important because it coordinates muscle movements and balance. The brain stem is responsible for reflexes and basic functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. It also regulates when you're tired or awake. 

blog #7

Key Psychologists:
Harry F. Harlow: had a Ph.D from stanford. He studied primates and learned more about the way we learn and develope. Most famous for studying the bond between mother and child. He found that the comforting contact is one of the most important in developement.(Encyclopeadia Brittnica, "Harry F. Harlow"
Wolfgang Kohler: Discovered the cognition theory of learning(Encyclopeadia Brittnica, "Cognitive learning")
William James set a lot of the foundation of psychology. He researched alot of the biology relating to psychology.

Post #7 Where Are Old Memories Stored in the Brain?

Journal Information:
  • In the 1920's Karl Lashley conducts experiment that leads to the discovery that memories are not stored in just one single part of the brain
  • Theories now predict that the hippocampus stores the memory for short-term and then transfers to the frontal cortex for long-term storage
  • Therefore based on how old the memory trace is, depends on where the memory is stored
  • fMRI scanners can actively control what parts of the brain are being used when participants in a study were asked a question about the past
  • Smith and Squire tested the effects of age of the memory as apposed to personal associations (richness) and encoding
    • 1.) recall the original question to acess encoding
    • 2.) answer the question - accuracy of recall
    • 3.) how much they know about the event - richness of memory
  • concluded: "the memories of events that occurred in the distant past were often as rich as those of more recent event"
  • Alzeheimers patients have no ability to form new memories as well as recall old ones - hence the reason they have no idea it is happening because they cannot form the new memory that they don't remember the past
  • Along with that, the hippocampus is mainly used to for short-term easily retrieveable memories and the frontal cortex is for more complex long-term storage that takes greater effort to recall
Title: Where Are Old Memories Stored in the Brain? A new study suggests that the location of a recollection in the brain varies based on how old that recollection is

From Scientific American Journal; Author: Moheb Costandi

Interview with Mrs. Gallagher

I interviewed Mrs. Gallagher, one of the school psychologists, on the morning of April 26. She has a masters in psychology. Here is what our conversation consisted of:
  • Does genetics have anything to do with happiness (nature vs nurture)?
  • Are optimism and confidence the same thing as happiness, do they produce happiness, or is there no correlation at all?
Here is what we personally decided:
  • Genetics does play a role- based on articles done by Michael Sigman and stuart Wolpert
  • Optimism and confidence contribute to happiness, but a person can have one but not the other- based on experience
  • Certain people are born with more of a predisposition for happiness- based on the gene studies done by Shelley Taylor.
The articles she gave me are:
  • "'Happiness' Gene Helps You Look on the Bright Side"- Andy Coghlan (
  • "UCLA Psychologists Discover a Gene's Link to Optimism, Self-Esteem"- Stuart Wolpert (
  • "The Genetic Reason Some of Us are Happier"- Michale Sigman (
  • "Happiness Gene Located"- N/A (


"What Do Animals Represent in Dreams?"
by Margaret Jarvinen

Animals in dreams represent our basic instincts or our innate survival mode

Animals in our dreams represent our own individual pattern of behaviour or our unconscious belief of how we behave when under stress.

Possible examples could be loss of income, relationship, home. More subtly, feeling insecure about a situation, for example, starting a new job or facing a fear.

To gain insights as to what the animal is representing describe its characteristics in three words.

Dreams with animals symbolise unconscious beliefs that are deeply buried and these unconscious beliefs most likely would never be revealed to you in your waking life

Ask yourself, what can I learn about me from this animal energy?

October 3rd, 2011\
Margaret Jarvinen
No, she doesnt cite sources but information is thorough and accurate.

Interview with Christopher Freiler

1.      Christopher Freiler is a teacher here at Hinsdale Central that teaches Philosophy & Ethics and AP-Euro. He wrote the AP-Euro textbook which many use around the state.
2.      Mr. Freiler is a reliable source because he knew so much about ethics including the emotional and mental aspects. Since he wrote the AP-Euro textbook, he is quite confident in this subject, plus since he teaches ethics.   
3.      On Wednesday, April 25th, I went into his classroom to talk with him about ethics, etc.
1. Questions & Answers: 
a.) How can the Approaches, such as Utilitarian, Rights, or Justice, affect your decision?
  • ethical theories
  • many people don't have a strong familiarity with these theories
  • many use them in a shorthand way, especially Utilitarian
  • we really do live in a utilitarian society
  • when addressed with a situation, people don't go through the process of each Approach to make a decision 
b.) Can ethics be included in the daily activitites you experience each day?
  • you have to make it a reflective situation
  • ex- was stuck in traffic, saw a woman on the side of the road who was having car trouble, and stopped to help her
  • circumstantialism- if you don't relaly have it in your mind to keep a lookout for how you can act in a way that reflects values and the way you think of yourself
  • most people will go on through their days checking things off their list
  • if your feeling positive towards your fellow human being can affect whether or not you help someone else
c.) Can't ethics be included in religion? Why or why not?
  • most religions have an ethics to them
  • negative effects include - religious wars, terrorists, crusades, tolerance
  • every religion has a spirit of some kind of ethical teachings whether it be Jesus, etc.
  • there is some type of social contract that human beings have; there's a moral order to the universe

Interview with Mike Alkire M.D.

1. Mr. Michael Alkire of the University of California at Irvine
    Field of work: Mechanisms of Memory and Anesthesia as a Center for
    Neurobiologyof Learning & Memory (CNLM) Fellow
    link to cnlm:
2. Reliability: authoritative figure of the CNLM
                      professor of the University of California at Irvine (UCI) in Anesthes &
                      Perioperative Care
                      link to uci:
3. Interview by e-mail throughout April 12-21, 2012
PART B Interview:
1.    What is the most current theory of how memories are stored and recalled through brain passageways?
Here is a good link to a Scientific American article that talks about a fairly recent Larry Squire paper:
2.    What are some of the different and unique ways you can remember something (by sounds or images)? And what are typically the most common and least common ways by which you remember something?
Not really sure what you’re after here.  There are different types of memory generally defined by the task used to establish that they are present.  For instance, Patient HM was found to be able to learn a “procedural memory” task in which he could trace a star pattern in a mirror, even though he didn’t have his hippocampus.
Here is a link to Luke Mastin’s website, which gets at the different types of memory and offers a nice overview for many of your questions.
3.    Are there any running hypotheses today about why no one can remember when they were born?
There are a number of ideas about why this might be so, ranging from various bits of the brain like the hippocampus have not yet developed, to ideas about babies not having the cognitive structure to think logically.  My personal hypothesis is that babies don’t yet have the conceptual frame work of cause and effect.  This is why they can drop a ball over and over again and be amazed that it falls.  The ball dropping experiment that everyone does as part of learning about the world is part of the process of learning cause and effect.  Once cause and effect are established in the brain then the stage is set for more long-term, life long memories to be formed.  These are the memories that put one in the space and time of what was happening around them.  
4.    What exactly happens to the brain when alcohol consumption slows memory of intoxicated events?
There are about three really good questions in this one.  Basically, alcohol is an anesthetic and so it anesthetizes that part of your brain associated with forming new memories (i.e., the hippocampus).   The slowing of time is actually an interesting area of study which suggests the drug is affecting those brain networks associated with processing time signals.  Also, the drug likely affects the amygdala which is the brain region that modulates memory according to how emotionally arousing an experience is.  One idea is that when things get emotionally arousing time slows down because the frame rate of consciousness itself is actually increasing and the brain is processing more information per unit time.  This has the subjective feeling of time slowing.  You get the same sort of distorted time processing with anesthetics.
5.    What are your specific views on the ability to "remember everything"?
This is an interesting and exciting new avenue of research being performed by my colleagues at the Center.  You should watch this 60 min clip, if you have the time:
Scroll down to get to the videos.
6. Is there any recent research in foods that may aid memory?
Here’s a link to a WebMD article that gets at this: Many of the memory boosters are really attention boosters.

Blog Post #7 Death

Title: Christian Beliefs of Life After Death
Author: Patrick Zukeran

-Christians believe that there is life after death.
-Christians go to heaven after they die with their God and reunite with loved ones.
-If you do not beleive you are sent to hell.
-Atheists believe that there is no afterlife.
-The New Age and Eastern religions believe in reincarnation.
-The animistic and tribal religions beleive that after death the human soul remains on the earth or travels to join the departed spirits of the ancestors in the underworld.
-Islam teaches that in the end of history, God will judge everyone and those whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds will enter into paradise.
-The Bible gives a correct view of what happens after death.
-Christians are ment to believe that death is something you should not fear.
-The Bible teaches that we cannot communicate with the dead.
-Its is believed that first our soul and spirit will leave our physical body. Second, we will immediately receive the judgment that will determine where we go. Those who have trusted in God and beleived will go to heaven.

Blog #7

Constructing a Life Philosophy
Edited by Mary Williams
  • The true object of one''s life according to the Quran is to completely worship Allah so that what ever you say or do is for His sake only.
  • Muslims try to "tread upon the right path and have faith in the true and living god."
  • Muslims pray to become closer to god and therefore come closer in their goal.
  • Muslims stress perserverance so that even when they have trials they are able to keep faith in god.
  • Central belief of juddaism: one god, father to all mankind
  • Jews must praise and honor him in their actions
  • Jews cannot use bad language or make a person angry; must be moral

Blog #7

·       Look at your outline and find out what questions you still have unanswered.  You may choose any reliable source to find answers to those questions.  I strongly encourage you
    This blog post should include:
o       7-10 bullet point notes IN YOUR OWN WORDS from the source
o       If you use a website:
1.      Put the link and 
        You must tell me why it is reliable by answering these questions (You DO NOT have to answer any of these questions if it is from a database):
2.      When was the information published or posted? 
a.      You should only use information that is updated, preferably in the last 10 years.
3.      Who is the author/publisher/source/sponsor?
a.      You should only use information from knowledgeable sources.
b.      In general, .edu .gov .org sites are more reputable
4.      Can you verify the accuracy of the information? (Does the author show where the information is coming from by citing sources?)
a.      Avoid sources that have are purely opinionated and lack evidence
b.      Be sure the information you have found seems to be credible based on what you already know about the topic.

Blog #6

-1-Dr. Alejandro Grajal Ph.D
-2-he is an artist and had a past job of painting wild  exotic birds for books and ecological studies. and he works at the zoo right now inconservation education.
-3- i interviewd him and i asked him my unanwsered questions about art and
 how the brain works
-1- Dr. Helena Puche Ph.D
-2- she is a biology teacher at truman college and know much about the brain and what parts funtion for your "artistic " sides
-3- i interviewed her , i aked her some of the questions on the brain that  Dr Alejandro Grajal couldn't answer.


1) How does art change you?

2) What makes you "right brianed" and "left brained"?

3)Do you change the way you see certain colors , or do people around you change your opinion?

4)How do color blinded people see the world and art?

5)Why are colors such as highlighter yellow so often mixed up?, some think its yellow some think its green, why is this?

blog post #6 (interview)

I interviewed Mr. Randy Gawlik.  Mr. Gawlik is a biology teacher here at Hinsdale Central.  He has a very expanded knowledge about my topic on hormones which is why i chose to interview him.  He is a reliable source, because he has been studying bioliogy for a good chunk of his life and so he was able to talk to me about hormones.  I interviewed Mr. Gawlik on Thursday, April 19. 

I asked my biology teacher a lot of questions and for each question, he gave me a basic answer. These are:

1. What are hormones?
Chemincal messengers.

2. Where are they made?
Pituitary gland

3. Why are hormones important?
 Long lasting. increase cells ability to process.

4. How long does it take for certain hormones to "mature" or "age?"
In women 8-12. In men 12-14 (takes time to work)

5. What are some possible effects in a defect of the growth hormone?
Cells wont divide properly and cells will stay short.

6. What are some possible effects if you have too much growth hormone in your body?
Gigantism-this occurs when you are a child.  Acromeglia-occurs as an adult.

7. What is one type of grwoth hormone?
The pituitary gland releases off GH (growth hormone)(you are born with this one)

8. What is another type of growth hormone?
HGH-Somatrem.  Medicine form of the growth hormone to help you grow.

9. What is testosterone?
Male sex hormone produced in males and females.  Produced by "the testies."

10. Why is testosterone important to have in humans?
Increases upper muscles, thickens vocal chords, etc.

11. What are some effects of testosterone if there is too much present in a human body?
Emotional outbursts. Can lead to inappropriate anger outbursts. 

The Biology of Religious Behavior

I read an overview/summary of the book "The Biology of Religious Behavior: The Evolutionary Origins of Faith and Religion" by Jay R. Feierman, and the review was written by John P. Hoffmann. I found this book review through a link on the database of ProQuest. This review discussed a lot about religious behavior, which was perfect because that is exactly what I'm researching. It gave me a lot of information about religious behavior and why people follow a religion.

Blog Post #6 Anand Gandhi

For my interview I interviewed Angad Gandhi who is studying philosphy/religion in the University of Chicago.

2.They are a reliable source for this reason.

3. I interviewed him on email and asked him a few questions a few days ago.

4. Some questions I asked were:
            1. What was the role of religion in history?
  •      The role of religion is vast. It has been essential in forming society and forming a sense of identity. Before there were nations, there was religion. It was a way for individuals in the most primitive societies to come together.
  •         Religion has provided people with a purpose, a code of conduct and an understanding of the world. This is very brief and a lot can be said about the role of religion but if I had to be brief, I'd say that identity, unity, understanding of the world and purpose in life -- this is some of what religion has given.
            2. What aspects of religion make it so attractive to human beings?
  •  I think people like religion because it allows them to come to terms with the vastness of this world. If someone told you that you had no purpose in your life, what would there be to live for?
  •  By giving us a higher aim in life, religion makes life worth living. People live because they want to reach God, attain salvation, or whatever each religion prescribes as its final goal.
  • More importantly, religion makes us feel like we belong. When the priest tells me I am God's son, it makes me feel significant.
            3  What are some ways religion relates to the world today?
  • Religion touches our day to day life in nearly every way. It affects the way we vote, the way we dress, the way we make financial decisions, the values we live for, the way we talk, etc. This obviously varies from religion to religion and person to person, specifically in how religious one is and also how strictly one follows the dictates of one's religion.

Keep in mind that I will probably be doing another interview with him.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blog post #5

Title: A Lion's Hunger: Poems of First Love
Author: Ann Turner

- Each poem represents a new day
- The lines of poetry don't always have to match up
- The poem titles coordinate with days of the year
- Pictures help make visual images in your head more realistic
- Indentations help create suspense and add drama
- The line breaks help transition into other thoughts
- The topic of each poem remains the same to create a story

In this book, author Ann Turner shows that poetry can be told in a story format instead of all different stories in one book.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Manga Madness,Basic Drawing Techniquees and Manga Features (Expressing Emotions), David Okum
-when you draw cartoons they seem to  be made up of 4 different shapes ,circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles. 
-shadding is a key component of drawing shading can change the viewers feeling of the drawing.
-hair tells the viewer how the character is like in the inside most of the time
-clothes also tell the viewere how the charater is like, if they have a suit on you can tell they are sleek, but of a shirt and shorts, a more casual charater.
-hand jestures and body language is a huge factoe in telling the story of the  charater . usually in manga you want everything exaturated, if they are talking to someone they should be pointing or jesturing to them as they speak.
-also setting makes the charater feel in place. you would want a warrior on a battle fieal mabey with a wepon , not a meddow with flowers.
-hands and feet are very hard to draw in  a charater , sometimes drawers cover them with boots and gloves , some dont even draw the hand or feet but replace them with stubes to make the charater more "cute"

In this book the author explains that in manga drawing , it is essential  to have  facial expressions in your drawing, so that you get the most that you want out of your drawing. One reason that supports this main idea is that in this chapter  it shows your how the slightest curve of the mouth or stress in the neck makes the expression wat you want.another fact  that supports this main idea is , there is a side note that says “ showing teeth in Japanese culture is  considered impolite and even ugly . historically in japan teeth were often covered with a black paste to make them invisible . it is still considered polite to hide your mouth when you laugh or giggle. Young manga characters often show teeth to express their youthfull ignorance or crassness . show teeth in a smile only to reveal the tactless and careless nature of the character.” Finally , the author gives the example  on how to show different expressions. One example is on how to show the expression “terrified”. The author tells you to drw wide eyes with small pupils and a mouth open wide with top teeth showing. The character appears to be gasping or screaming. Then the author gives a example drawing so you know your drawing it the right way. These ideas are similar to  what I was taught in drawing class. They showed us that when we draw portraits you must angle or shape features depending on what you want the viewer to see.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

colors in dreams(blog post 5)

Parkers' Complete Book Of Dreams By Julia and Derek Parker.
Chapter: "Colors"

  • Not everyone dreams in color.
  • People who are technicolor in their dreams are normally more color concious during the day.
  • Those who are less aware of color during the day dream in monochrome.
  • Colors in dreams normally symbolize something
  • Red expresses anger. It symbolizes that you hould be more energetic in waking life.
  • Yellow&Orange is a positive, happy color, pursuing you to strive for what you want. 
  • Blue represents feelings. Dark blue being depressed lacking romance, light blue meaning excited.
  • Green shows that you want to be intune with the environment and relationships with others.
  • Black should be taken seriously because it generally means something bad is happening in the waking life.
  • White is the prominent color for happiness and responsibility in dreams.
  • Purple is used to show majestic beings or royalty.

In this chapter of the book, Parker's explains the meaning of colors within the dreams of humans. One example is when they say that "when color emerges strongly in a dream it is important to consider it as a seperate symbol." Another reason is when the authors go into detail about each colors significance in a dream. Finally the auther explains that people who are color concious in waking life dream in technicolor, and those who dream in monochrome are not very aware of colors in the natural life. These ideas are similiar to myself because I dream in technicolor because I love to see bring colors throughout the day.