Thursday, April 26, 2012

Interview with Mrs. Gallagher

I interviewed Mrs. Gallagher, one of the school psychologists, on the morning of April 26. She has a masters in psychology. Here is what our conversation consisted of:
  • Does genetics have anything to do with happiness (nature vs nurture)?
  • Are optimism and confidence the same thing as happiness, do they produce happiness, or is there no correlation at all?
Here is what we personally decided:
  • Genetics does play a role- based on articles done by Michael Sigman and stuart Wolpert
  • Optimism and confidence contribute to happiness, but a person can have one but not the other- based on experience
  • Certain people are born with more of a predisposition for happiness- based on the gene studies done by Shelley Taylor.
The articles she gave me are:
  • "'Happiness' Gene Helps You Look on the Bright Side"- Andy Coghlan (
  • "UCLA Psychologists Discover a Gene's Link to Optimism, Self-Esteem"- Stuart Wolpert (
  • "The Genetic Reason Some of Us are Happier"- Michale Sigman (
  • "Happiness Gene Located"- N/A (

1 comment:

  1. This post made me realize that happiness can sometimes be genetic. It made me realize this because the information is accurate and helpful.
