Thursday, April 26, 2012

blog #7

Key Psychologists:
Harry F. Harlow: had a Ph.D from stanford. He studied primates and learned more about the way we learn and develope. Most famous for studying the bond between mother and child. He found that the comforting contact is one of the most important in developement.(Encyclopeadia Brittnica, "Harry F. Harlow"
Wolfgang Kohler: Discovered the cognition theory of learning(Encyclopeadia Brittnica, "Cognitive learning")
William James set a lot of the foundation of psychology. He researched alot of the biology relating to psychology.

1 comment:

  1. I found this interesting because of the part where you said the guy was most famous for studying the bond between mother an child. I found it interesting because it shows that thats something that really is important in everyday life.
