Thursday, April 26, 2012


"What Do Animals Represent in Dreams?"
by Margaret Jarvinen

Animals in dreams represent our basic instincts or our innate survival mode

Animals in our dreams represent our own individual pattern of behaviour or our unconscious belief of how we behave when under stress.

Possible examples could be loss of income, relationship, home. More subtly, feeling insecure about a situation, for example, starting a new job or facing a fear.

To gain insights as to what the animal is representing describe its characteristics in three words.

Dreams with animals symbolise unconscious beliefs that are deeply buried and these unconscious beliefs most likely would never be revealed to you in your waking life

Ask yourself, what can I learn about me from this animal energy?

October 3rd, 2011\
Margaret Jarvinen
No, she doesnt cite sources but information is thorough and accurate.

1 comment:

  1. This post made me realize that animals play important roles in our dreams. It made me realize this because you have very good information and feel passionate about your topic..
