Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog Post #7 Death

Title: Christian Beliefs of Life After Death
Author: Patrick Zukeran

-Christians believe that there is life after death.
-Christians go to heaven after they die with their God and reunite with loved ones.
-If you do not beleive you are sent to hell.
-Atheists believe that there is no afterlife.
-The New Age and Eastern religions believe in reincarnation.
-The animistic and tribal religions beleive that after death the human soul remains on the earth or travels to join the departed spirits of the ancestors in the underworld.
-Islam teaches that in the end of history, God will judge everyone and those whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds will enter into paradise.
-The Bible gives a correct view of what happens after death.
-Christians are ment to believe that death is something you should not fear.
-The Bible teaches that we cannot communicate with the dead.
-Its is believed that first our soul and spirit will leave our physical body. Second, we will immediately receive the judgment that will determine where we go. Those who have trusted in God and beleived will go to heaven.


  1. you made some great points, you clearly know what your talking about, way to go!

  2. This blog post is interesting and I can relate to it because I am Christian. You may want to compare different religions and their beliefs of life after death.
