Thursday, April 5, 2012


Manga Madness,Basic Drawing Techniquees and Manga Features (Expressing Emotions), David Okum
-when you draw cartoons they seem to  be made up of 4 different shapes ,circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles. 
-shadding is a key component of drawing shading can change the viewers feeling of the drawing.
-hair tells the viewer how the character is like in the inside most of the time
-clothes also tell the viewere how the charater is like, if they have a suit on you can tell they are sleek, but of a shirt and shorts, a more casual charater.
-hand jestures and body language is a huge factoe in telling the story of the  charater . usually in manga you want everything exaturated, if they are talking to someone they should be pointing or jesturing to them as they speak.
-also setting makes the charater feel in place. you would want a warrior on a battle fieal mabey with a wepon , not a meddow with flowers.
-hands and feet are very hard to draw in  a charater , sometimes drawers cover them with boots and gloves , some dont even draw the hand or feet but replace them with stubes to make the charater more "cute"

In this book the author explains that in manga drawing , it is essential  to have  facial expressions in your drawing, so that you get the most that you want out of your drawing. One reason that supports this main idea is that in this chapter  it shows your how the slightest curve of the mouth or stress in the neck makes the expression wat you want.another fact  that supports this main idea is , there is a side note that says “ showing teeth in Japanese culture is  considered impolite and even ugly . historically in japan teeth were often covered with a black paste to make them invisible . it is still considered polite to hide your mouth when you laugh or giggle. Young manga characters often show teeth to express their youthfull ignorance or crassness . show teeth in a smile only to reveal the tactless and careless nature of the character.” Finally , the author gives the example  on how to show different expressions. One example is on how to show the expression “terrified”. The author tells you to drw wide eyes with small pupils and a mouth open wide with top teeth showing. The character appears to be gasping or screaming. Then the author gives a example drawing so you know your drawing it the right way. These ideas are similar to  what I was taught in drawing class. They showed us that when we draw portraits you must angle or shape features depending on what you want the viewer to see.

1 comment:

  1. Cool story bro,
    I liked that we could learn about this from an artist's perspective. I especially enjoyed the part where you talked about the artist's tricks to hiding hands and stuff.
