1. Christopher Freiler is a teacher here at Hinsdale Central that teaches Philosophy & Ethics and AP-Euro. He wrote the AP-Euro textbook which many use around the state.
2. Mr. Freiler is a reliable source because he knew so much about ethics including the emotional and mental aspects. Since he wrote the AP-Euro textbook, he is quite confident in this subject, plus since he teaches ethics.
3. On Wednesday, April 25th, I went into his classroom to talk with him about ethics, etc.
1. Questions & Answers:
a.) How can the Approaches, such as Utilitarian, Rights, or Justice, affect your decision?
- ethical theories
- many people don't have a strong familiarity with these theories
- many use them in a shorthand way, especially Utilitarian
- we really do live in a utilitarian society
- when addressed with a situation, people don't go through the process of each Approach to make a decision
b.) Can ethics be included in the daily activitites you experience each day?
- you have to make it a reflective situation
- ex- was stuck in traffic, saw a woman on the side of the road who was having car trouble, and stopped to help her
- circumstantialism- if you don't relaly have it in your mind to keep a lookout for how you can act in a way that reflects values and the way you think of yourself
- most people will go on through their days checking things off their list
- if your feeling positive towards your fellow human being can affect whether or not you help someone else
- most religions have an ethics to them
- negative effects include - religious wars, terrorists, crusades, tolerance
- every religion has a spirit of some kind of ethical teachings whether it be Jesus, etc.
- there is some type of social contract that human beings have; there's a moral order to the universe
I am studying psychology and Mr. Chokshi recommended this video about decision making. I think it would help get a different view of decisions: