Wednesday, April 4, 2012

colors in dreams(blog post 5)

Parkers' Complete Book Of Dreams By Julia and Derek Parker.
Chapter: "Colors"

  • Not everyone dreams in color.
  • People who are technicolor in their dreams are normally more color concious during the day.
  • Those who are less aware of color during the day dream in monochrome.
  • Colors in dreams normally symbolize something
  • Red expresses anger. It symbolizes that you hould be more energetic in waking life.
  • Yellow&Orange is a positive, happy color, pursuing you to strive for what you want. 
  • Blue represents feelings. Dark blue being depressed lacking romance, light blue meaning excited.
  • Green shows that you want to be intune with the environment and relationships with others.
  • Black should be taken seriously because it generally means something bad is happening in the waking life.
  • White is the prominent color for happiness and responsibility in dreams.
  • Purple is used to show majestic beings or royalty.

In this chapter of the book, Parker's explains the meaning of colors within the dreams of humans. One example is when they say that "when color emerges strongly in a dream it is important to consider it as a seperate symbol." Another reason is when the authors go into detail about each colors significance in a dream. Finally the auther explains that people who are color concious in waking life dream in technicolor, and those who dream in monochrome are not very aware of colors in the natural life. These ideas are similiar to myself because I dream in technicolor because I love to see bring colors throughout the day.


  1. The different meanings of colors in people's dreams was really interesting to read about and also how people can dream in black and white.

  2. It was very interesting how colors in dreams symbolize something. I never knew how those colors actually mean something in dreams.
