Thursday, February 16, 2012

1st Article on Decisions


What I learned:
  • decisions are made in the frontal cortex of the brain, along with where risks and benefits are weighed
  • the exploration of drugs' effects on decisions making are linked to drug abuse and addiction
  • drug addiction is associated with decision making and your fail to learn from repeated errors
  • there are chemical "labels" that help woth decision making diseases
  • many therapies to study decision-making
  • drugs lead to destructive decisions; genetics and environment
  • dysfunction in decision making which predisposes a person to drug abuse
  • those dysfunctions might lead scientists to an effective treatment for men and women who's lives are diminished by decisions that bring them harm
Questions that I have:
-What could be those therapies used?
-If one has a specific dysfunction, how could one get rid of it?
-How could the environment have a threat to those who make poor decisions?
-If scientists were to study more of the brain, where could they find the specific part that makes those decisions for us?