Thursday, February 23, 2012

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

3rd blog post
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

1.Mental Disorders: any illness that has to do with psychology or behavior and has a painful or disstressing symptom
2.OCD: a type of mental disorder in which someone has obsession or compulsion or both
3.Obsessions: recurring or persistent thoughts, images, or impulses that, rather than being voluntarily produced, seem to invade a person's consciousness despite his attempts to ignore, suppress, or control them.
4:Anxiety is accompanied to obsession
5: Common obsessions, doing violent acts, worriying about germs, extreme doubt
6 :in 80 percent of cases copulsions follow obsessions
7: Compulsion:recurring or persistent thoughts, images, or impulses that, rather than being voluntarily produced, seem to invade a person's consciousness despite his attempts to ignore, suppress, or control them.
8: People who are compulsive preform complulsive acts to prevent situations they think may occur
9: compulsive acts are usually simple, ex: washing your hands alot
10: The person usually knows the complusive act is meaningless but they do it anyway
11: 2 to 3 percent of the general population suffer from this
12: OCD is caused by high stress situations
13: there are drugs that help OCD tby changing the brains metabolism

Q1:Is OCD more common in Kinds or adults?
Q2:Which pschological disease is more crippling, a phobia or OCD?


  1. Since you're studying what's considered 'normal' I thought you would find this video entertaining and informative:

  2. I found this post really iteresting. I made me realize that there are alot of things that could be considered OCD. It made me realize that because I know I have OCD about some things, but after reading this, I have reelzed I have it relating tomore things.
