Monday, February 20, 2012

checkpoint 1
  • Hormones are basically chemical messengers that flow through the blood
  • Hormones are made in "ductless endocrine glands." 
  • Hormones "float" to certain organs where they "turn biochemicals reactions on or off."
  • It is responsible for secreting release factors which instruct the pituitary gland to secret certain hormones. 
  • Almost all living things produce hormones.  
  • Hormones are always circulating throughout the body and come in contact with so many cells, but only effect certain cells called "target cells."              
  • Hormones have a certain shape, and thus will fit into only certain receptors, but not others. 


  1. What is a biochemical reaction?
  2. what happens when a biochemical reaction is turned on or off?
  3. Why are the hypothalamus and pituitary gland important when talking about hormones?