Thursday, February 16, 2012

Basics of Memory: Article 1

What I found:
- good definition: the encoding, storage, and retrieval in the human mind of past experiences
- memory is the result of and an influence on perception, attention, and learning
- patterns in memory show that attention means better remeberance of the event
- repetition of memory also helps to recognize the memory again and again
- memory is a major part of learning and makes learning possible
- a “retrieval cue” elicits the memory of the experience
- without current repertition, events are forgotten
- purposeful forgetting can reduce anxiety and create feelings of relief
- old memories weaken and new ones tend to be vivid
- forgetting 'old news' is sometimes for the better
- continual adjustments are made between learning or memory storage (input) and forgetting (output) balances of input/output
- the rate of forgetting is dirrectly related to the rate of learning
- every event leaves a "trace" in our central nervous system that can be restimulated or remembered
- some traces are deeper than others based on the experience and our feelings towards it

Further Questions:
Do we want to forget some things and remember others?
What would happen if memories failed to fade?
Why can’t we remember something from surgery when we are put to sleep?
Can we increase the capacity of memory our brain can hold?