Thursday, February 23, 2012

Attention and Habituation: Article 2

Database: Encyclopedia Britannica 
Article Title: Aspects of attention > Memory and habituation (attention)

What I learned:
  • Shiffrin and Shneider have visual search theory in 1977
  • Their theory has two modes: controlled search and automatic detection
  • Controlled search demands high attention spans and therefore dependent on stimulus
  • Controlled search uses short-term memory, while automatic detection uses long-term
  • Memory is not only repetition but attention influenced
  • Von Restorff effest suggests that items are learned from their differences in size, color, or other groups of imperfections. However, other standard items are then not as easily recalled in memory
  • **When events take place, each spectator perceives something different so that they recall different memories of the event (Whorf conclusion)
  • 2 types of attention : focal (active) and automaitc (not necesary to think)
  • Interesting point: focal attention uses more brain power to think about and use but only uses short-term memory storage to recall focal attention
  • Rehearsal (repetition) reamins in short-term storage but eventually makes its way to long-term
  • Awareness is necessary for learning and memory (excludes sub-awareness in dreams)
  • Dreams are not usually remembered because of the level of awareness
  • **Habituation: loss of resondsiveness or attention
  • Shorter time periods generally mean rapid habituation (short-term memory) and longer periods have more gradual habituation, unless the event has significant meaning than habituation slows drammatically (long-term memory)
Further questions:
Why do people remember certain events differently?
What factors decide how one person rembers something in comparison to another person?
I would like to further investigate the Von Restorff effect.
How long does it take to rehearse to move an event from short-term to long-term storage memory?


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