Thursday, February 23, 2012



1. Lucid Dream - is a dream which anyone knows they are dreaming.
2. Daydreams- Is when you have a level of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness.
3. You daydream for 70-120 minutes a day.
4. Nightmares- Disturbing dream that causes you to wake up.
5. Some nightmares might come from real life situations.
6. Recurring Dreams- This can happen when you didn't solve the problem in the dream the first time so therefore it will comeback till you solve it.
7. Healing Dreams- Dreams regarding to the dreamers health.
8.  Epic Dreams- Are the really vivid dreams you cannot ignore.
9. Mutual Dreams- When two people have the same dream.
10. Mutual Dreams can help build relationships between two people.

I would like to know more about the Mutual Dream the Recurring, and the Daydream. This is because if you day dream from 70-120 minuets. A day how does that effect you during school. And if you cant control your dreams how can you ever solve what's going on in the recurring dreams.


  1. you made some good points on different dreams. I agree with them because they seem reliable and I can relate with the different dreams.

  2. This post made me realize that dreams aren't just nonnsence, they can actually mean somthing. I realized this because you listed all the different kinds of dreams.
