Sunday, February 26, 2012

romance in india

Culture Grams
              Dating and Marriage
  • in india most mirrages are arranged by parents
  • follow the csate system in order for the mirrage to be effective
  • Indian Muslims have a strict male female seapration at a young age, so mirrages have to be arranged for them to happen.
  • Marriage is sacred to most Indians and is believed to last beyond death
  • modesty and chastity is very important fotr women
  • mirrages happen during teens.. in urban areas later
  • northen india: engagements are finalized in a specific ceremony. The families meet, and the couple agrees to marry. The occasion is celebrated with food, music, dancing, and exchanging of gifts. After this ceremony, a wedding date is chosen, and the couple is free to court and get to know one another
  • western india:at an engagement ceremony, the bride's family arrives with a steel container full of sweets and gifts to be given to the groom and his family
  • in southern inida:the bride and groom are not required to attend the engagement function. The commitment is made between their families. The most important ritual in finishing these engagements consists of each family giving the other a plate with exotic foods and plants
  • Polygamy is practiced only by Indian Muslims, whose religion permits a man to marry up to four wives
  • Divorce is relatively rare, most likely due to the cultural and religious importance of marriage.
    •  In the case of divorce, Indian law stipulates that a man must continue to provide financial support to his ex-wife and any children they may have
  1. why is Mirrage so important in idia?
  2. do arranged mirrages really make the poeple happy, or do they just pretend to have peace?
  3. why do men find it easier to remarry after a divorce and not women too?

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