Thursday, February 16, 2012

What causes emotions?

Did you know that no one really understands how emotions/feelings such as joy, disgust, anger, or sadness occur? 

* Emotions can be activated by several things: processes in one's brain, changes in one's body, sense perceptions, and mental activity

* Emotions can be influenced by learning something or remembering something

* Constructivist: one's life experiences that are factors of determining how one will react emotionally

* Emotions are in relation to stimului triggering changes in one's body

* Constructivists study people's interactions with the environment, and how one's memories, perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts, as well as evaluations affect one's emotions

* Biosocial theories: are types of theories that emphasize the importance of biological factors in determining high levels of emotions

*Walter B. Cannon suggested that emotions can be "felt" in the thalamus, a structure near the top of the brain stem that works with sensory signals, and sends sensory signals to other parts of the brain