Thursday, February 16, 2012

2nd post.

  • The field of psychology has a number of subdisciplines devoted to the study of the different levels and contexts of human thought and behavior.
  • Social physocology deals with human thought and actions through a social context.
  • Physocological physocology deals with thoguth and behaivor at the level of nueorology.
  • Comparitive physocology compares thoughts and behaivors of humans and that of other species.
  • Psychology is an interdisciplinary science.
  • In general the methods range from simple observation to rigorous experimentation in the study of physocology.
  • Through the use of statistics the experimenter is able to test for the extent to which results of an experiment could have occurred by chance.
  • Some physiological psychologists are concerned with mapping the functions of various parts of the brain.
  •  Physiological psychologists study the effects of drugs on human behavior.
  • The effects of drugs and tobacco on animals are observed to determine the effects these substances have on humans.

question: How can drugs affect how a physciatrist looks at their patient?
             Whats kinds of test to the run on animals to avoid harming them?