Thursday, February 23, 2012

blog post #1

-does your enviornment change you or do you change your enviornment?

1-how does art change you
2-do you change art with you mind
3-if your grow up with art does you mind change
4-what makes you "right brained" or "left brained"

-i know about how some people view art differently. in a museum i saw a picture of an old lay but if you morf it with your mind it turned into a young lady.some people who are "right brained" are very artistic and math and science are much harder for them to figure out. if someone is left brained they are very logical and mathmatical .the brain has memeory and other parts that change you as you grow. there are different memorys that might change if you become mopre arrtistic or not.


  1. A point that you may want to think about is how art has changed people over time. You may want to think about this because it'll help you relate to your third question which was "If you grow up with art, does your mind change?".

  2. You made some really good points such as people who are so called"Left Brianed" struggle artistiaclly and better in math and science. I agree with this becasue I would call myself "Left brained" becasue I struggle artistically and im better at math and science
