Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Alcohol and Memory

  • Excessive alcohol use can lead to random blackouts and temporary memory loss or amnesia
  • Blackouts are common for alcohol abusers and can even be a warning sign to drinkers and their friends that there may be alcohol abuse.
  • Alcohol has far reaching effects on many areas of the brain.
  • When alcohol is consumed the body starts to break it down right away and it creats a negative charge in your brain.
  • The brain also receives less oxygen when alcohol is present.
  • Alcohol has a negative effect in the central nervous system.
  •  Even for healthy drinkers blackouts are often traumatic when serious and typically unforgettable memories are impossible to remember.
  1.  Can the effects of alcohol on the brain ever be reversed or fixed?
  2. Is there a type of alcohol that doesn't effect the brain as badly?

1 comment:

  1. 1. You made some good points here, such as alchol makes you forget your memories. I agree with them because i know heavy drinkers that have lost their memory and cant recall what has happened.
