Sunday, March 18, 2012

blog post #3

- some color catch your eye more then other colors.
- first fact about liking colors is memorise that you have for that color,  you may love a certain color for example orange, you probably like this color because you had good situation in you life that has happened many time and there seems to be the color orange involved with this situation
- other colors are sensative to you eye and theycan agravate you.
-pink is a soft color, it makes you less agressive, i have heard in jails that they will paint the rooms pink on some of the walls, that is to have less fightes, you are not able to hit as hard in a pink room
-yellow is an agravating color, parent specialist always warn parents not to paint their childs room yellow, this color is agravating and the baby ends up crying alot more then it needs to.'
-blue and green shades are very relaxing colors, sometimes in paintind people mistake the b lues for sadness, but mostly painters want it to be very relaxing.
-red is an aggresive color, red makes you feel angry and bigger, fights usually happen in a red room,
- if there are 2 lines and one is painted red and one is painted blue, more people would buy at the red painted line
- there was also a study that showed if you  put 2 teams versing eatheother (one red , one white or yellow ect.)and they are the same level, the red will have a bigger likley hood of winning, just because red makes them look bigger and more agressoive to the eyes.


do you change the way you see certain colors, or does people arounnd you?

why are some colors mixed up so much by certain people?. such as grey or highlighter yellow? especially greens.

1 comment:

  1. You made some good points here, such as talking about different colors that can effect how people feel and what different colors can mean.

    Your post made me want to learn more about the ways that colors can effect people because I think it makes sense and colors really do effect how people might feel towards other people.
