Thursday, March 22, 2012

What causes emotions?

*Performances can sometimes cause feelings such as:
1) aprrehension- this can include terror, and the person feeling apprehension can feel like he might give way (faint), or feel like his chest is beating out of his chest; nausea can also be a common feeling
This is often call something called "stagefright" something that emotions affect

*Emotions such as stagefright:
1) 85% of American suffer the racing pulse, stomach butterflies, trembling hands, and a parched mouth before one appears before a group or in public

*Emotions are the feelings of the mind, the equivalent of what are predicted to be physical sensations in ones body

* Emotions are a flush of adolescent desire, throat constructing awe, a paingful longing for a loved one, and the empty ache of loss

*"Emotions are terrors and elations, griefs and rages, adorations and revulsions, the spasms of mental sensation that cause the heart to leap of wither, that balance and hope against despair, that illuminated or cloud the human countenance"

*If one did not have emotions they would simply be dead, they would not feel anything that they were living (Or they would live an extremely boring life and wouldn't be able to do or achieve anything)

*Scientists realized that each emotions was different- they all involved the life of the mind, and the lives of many species

Title: Emotions: Journey through the mind and body

Authors: This book was made by the editors of time-life books

1st section of the book: Of the Mind as Much as the Heart

    In this ______book________________________ (book/article, etc.), _______the editors of time-life books____________ (author)   __explains ____________(claims/argues/explains) that _emotions can be something that is known as a common "symptom", and can cause someone to actually experience sickness. 
    (identify author’s argument/purpose).
    One reason/fact/example that supports this main idea is stage fright. Stage fright can be caused by a speech or performance in front of a group, or an audience. This can cause people to feel nausea, and get sweaty, nervous, and feel like their heart is beating out of their chest. Another reason/fact/example that supports this main idea is . Finally, the author gives the reason/fact/example that emotions can cause something as stage fright, and can affect the human mind and body. (This supports the main idea)
    These ideas are ____connected________________ (connected/similar) to __the text in the book that states "emotions are terror and elations, frights and rages, adorations and revulsions, the spasms of mental sensation that cause the heart to leap of wither, that balance and hope against despair, that illuminated or cloud the human countenance" (something you learned or experienced previously)because the quote states that something such as terror can cause a certain emotion, classified (or called) as stage fright. _ (explanation of connection).


  1. This post made me realize that emotions shows a persons way of life. It made me realize this because you have a lot of information about you topic, and your blog is very interesting.

  2. Good points! I didn't know that there was so many people that suffered just from emotions.

  3. Cool info on each emotion, and interesting how without emotions, a person would be dead.
