Thursday, March 1, 2012

Homosexuality in Religion

I am using the site Religion Facts, which I found via Enyclopedia Britannica
This is a legitimate source because I found it through Encyclopedia Britannica and the information that I have found from it matches up with some prior knowledge I have and information from other reliable databases.
-homosexuality is a very controversial topic in religion
-who accepts it: ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans
-who doesn't accept it: Jews, Christians, Sikhs, and Muslims
-indifferent: Hindus and Buddhists
-why it is aceepcted where it is: in certain contexts it is said that if it brings you happiness and fulfillment of life, then it is okay
-why it is rejected where it is: it is found as sinful and the orientation is said to be condemned
-why it is indifferent where it is: karma, what goes around comes around
Further questions:
1) This establishes some behaviors, is there anything against being single or married?
2) I still need to find, what are major religious feuds?
3) Where do these ideas on homosexuality come from?

1 comment:

  1. I notice that one of your research points mentions your observation that not all religions pray to or have "a God". That's true, but there is one thing that all religions have in common with one another. Can you imagine what the common thread might be?
