-very often males with light blue eyes are color blind. this is because the resesive gene is a sex-linked trait, this means, it usually only shows if you are male, bu there are some exceptions.
-when i asked some people who were color blind they have a hard time discifering pastel colors, there was a wall that was white and a wall that was pastel blue, he said they were both white.
-also the same shades of colors can be mixed together if you are color blind, such as purple and black,i played chinese chekers and i was green and purple, and my godfather(who i found out is colorblind) had red and black, he would have won but i moved his peices and he could tell which were his and which were mine.
- there are different severities of colorblind people. there are red and green colorblind , light and dark colorblind, and full colorblind
- my godfather had light and dark colorblind and red and green colorblind.i showed him a purple chess peice and asked him the color, he said it was dark grey! i showed him a red pierce and he said it look about the same color.
-also purple is red and blue and if their colorblind for red and blue they wouldnt be able to see . my frien had a red shirt on with a purple siuet of a bird, he thought it was a plain red shirt, because he was red blur colorblind, he also only knew it was a red shirt because the tag said (red size,m) to him it was grey.
normal visioned people see wiggley lines. only colorblinded people can see a 5 in the circle
-this information was on a colorblind test online(http://www.colour-blindness.com/colour-blindness-tests/ishihara-colour-test-plates/) ishihara a docter made this test sso it would be easilr to see if your colorblind or not.-
This is actually really interesting. I didn't know that if boys have light blue eyes they have a big chance of being color blind.