Thursday, March 22, 2012

Emotional Intelligence #5

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

- "Anyone can be angry-that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time,    for the right purpose, and in the right way-that is not easy."

Aristotle's Challenge

-Spreading virus of good feeling.
-Bus driver gives a friendly hello and goodbye, it spreads happiness to everyone who got on and off the bus.
-The author says this bus driver could bring happiness to the whole city. If you think about it, him being nice to a bus load of people who become happy when they get off will have those people spread their happiness to other people, just like a virus.
-A boy goes on a rampage at school, pouring paint everywhere in the class and all over the cars. His reason was because he was called a baby by his classmates, and he wanted to impress them.
-"Have a nice day," to "Make my day."
-Words do have an effect on people. Positive and negative attitude spreads, and words can mean a lot.

In this book, Daniel Goleman explains that happiness and positive attitudes can spread, like a virus. One example that supports his main idea is the boy calling the other boy a baby. Negative attitude can cause people to act differently and make them do things they don't want to do, but they have to do it to deny the negative attitude. Another example that supports his main idea is the thought of happiness and sadness being a virus. The author gives a good point when he says the passengers getting on the bus were sort of confused when the bus driver greeted them nicely, but when they got off, they all responded happily with a goodbye. This supports the main idea of spreading the good feeling and making your positive attitudes reflect on others. These ideas are similar to a real, deadly virus because it also spreads things, and it won't stop until something good has happened.

1 comment:

  1. 3. This post made me realize that spreading happiness to people is an important thing. It made me realize this because when you are nicce to a person it does spread like you said.
