Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Enduring Issues in Psychology" By Toni Blake

Post #5
   Enduring Issues in Psychology By Toni Blake Chapter 1 "Which Type of Psychotherapy Is Most Useful?"
  • Mental illnesses have been treated in the past with tonis, leeching, religous healing, shock and drug therapies
  • Breuer and Freud (psychologists in vienna) found away to get into someones unconscious mind and find the start of the emotional disturbances. This is called the theory of psychoanalysis.
  • After war many soilders come home psychologically scarred. This started an entire Mental Health Instutute in the United States. Mental Health care was expanded into health care insurance.
  • People began to beleive that some styles of therapies were inaffective. Psycologists came together to come up with a better way to treat psycological disorders.
  • Humanists Therapy: this therapy believes each person has their own unique potential. When a person gets away from their potential it is a psychologists job to get realign the cleint in order for them to acheive their goals.
  • Mental illnesses are usually caused by tramatic stituadions in one's life. It is the psychologist's job to find what the situation is if it is not already clear what it was in their patient's life.
  • To help fix some mental disorders such as OCD a psychologist will slowly start to expose the patient to what the source of problem is, until it is mostly to completely gone.
Summary: Mental illnesess have been treated very differently throughout the years. From leeching to a therapy session, the treatments have relly changed. Psychologists such as Breuer and Freud would work off eachother to find a the best treatment possible. There are many types of therapies such as the Humanist Therapy. Each therapy can be very useful, it just depends on who the patient is and what they have gone through.

1 comment:

  1. I liked this blog becuase it had a lot of useful facts. I learned a lot of new things that i could use for my own research. :D
